Friday, 27 April 2012

Dating A Stripper: The Pros, Woes and the Hos

It’s totally unfair to say that one can’t have a successful adult dating relationship with a stripper. First off, not all strippers are alike, however, there sure are relationship problems which are specific to working in the industry. You need to figure out how to tell if the two of you will be compatible.

Why is she stripping? This can be a telling factor in whether you may want to stay with her or not. If she is working her way through college, then it may be possible to set your feelings about her job to the side. But, if she strips because it gives her power or makes her feel desirable, then be prepared for a low self esteem and a whole lot of baggage. What are her future plans for her stripping? Is it just a gig or does she see it as a career? In the event that she got fired, many strippers find it difficult to transition into a regular job because of their lack of job skills.

Is there intimacy between you and her? When a stripper spends every night forcing intimacy with strangers, it can be difficult to not force it at home. Also, after she feels objectified by men night after night, she might not be excited to find a horny boyfriend at home. When it comes to the pros of dating a stripper, there are some benefits. She is probably good looking and has a nice body with a decent sense of rhythm. If she goes into her job with a rational mind, she will have entertaining stories to tell, and frankly, you will get to have what hundreds of guys are having a fantasy about.

Are there really pros to dating a stripper? I’m talking about the professionals, you know, the ones who take their craft to the next level and find another way to rake in more moony. There are many strippers who have sex or perform other acts with clients and unfortunately this is a large part of the lifestyle.

Ultimately, if you feel that none of this is a deal breaker, then give it a try. Don’t let us steer you away from something that could be true love relationship.