Friday, 27 April 2012

The Dating World's Life Lessons

When you start dating as a teenager, the problems you encounter are so small in the scheme of things. As we get older, our adult dating lives become a little more trickier to maneuver. There comes a point in everybody’s adult life where a decent amount of self-discovery and reflection must be taken to effectively evolve with present or future partners. The heart ages last and when you date, you discover it is a huge learning process. Here are some insights everybody should discover in their lives about the dating world:

1. Our Needs Evolve As Well As Our Wants

Remember that lover who broke your heart when you were a teenager? Remember thinking how you couldn’t go on? Now when you think about it, you want to die of embarrassment. The reason for that is we are always evolving. Our dreams, desires and love interests change as often as our career goals. No matter what, time really does help heal all wounds and it helps us move on.

We Find Long-Term Soulmates and Short-Term Kindred Spirits

By the time you reach your early to mid twenties, you will meet someone that will change your life. They deeply impact us with their world views and perceptions of life that are quite similar to yours. Maybe they are your mentors or maybe they were someone you met on your way to work. You always meet someone who shapes you into the person you are today. Even short-term kindred spirits change you for the better. Just because someone came into your life for only a season, doesn’t mean they weren’t there for a reason.

Settling Vs. Commitment

When you get old enough to question relationship issues, you learn that even the most committed partners sometimes hurt behind closed doors. We either gain the life partner skills we need and learn not to settle or we succumb to living miserably in unhappy relationships. It is an important life choice only the brave don’t take for granted.

Your Ideal Partner Always Changes

Remember when you would only date blond, blue-eyed singles? The older you get, you realize appearances are not as important as strong connections. You learn how to evaluate what kind of person can make you happy for the moment and possibly for life. Compatibility is more important than physical attraction.