Wednesday 18 November 2009

When You Meet

When they arrive at your place, say ‘hi’ and invite them in for a minute while you get your coat or shoes. Then walk out and seem like YOU’RE IN A HURRY TO

LEAVE. Most guys would try to get them to stay and get

cozy with them. You want them to think that you’re not

overly interested and that you want some coffee.

adultfriendfinder registration

Total indifference.

At coffee, just sit and be the funny and cocky self, make jokes, and in general lean back and make ‘friends’.

I used to analyze handwriting, do palmistry, do hand massages, and touch women when I first meet them. Not anymore (I save these things for later).

Also, I used to be more ‘touchy feely’ with women at the very beginning. As I mentioned, I’d massage their hands and touch them a lot, etc. leading to kissing, etc.

early on.

I’ve now learned that if I lean back and almost don’t touch them at all on purpose, it creates this tension so that when I do actually touch them, they respond powerfully. In communication they call this ‘Building Response Potential’.

Sometimes I’ll massage hands or touch, but I don’t overdo it.

I’m just sitting there ACTING LIKE WE’RE BEST FRIENDS. When you act like they’re a best friend, they will rapidly get comfortable with you. I make fun of people, whatever. I just totally lean back and relax. I’m cool, relaxed, and constantly making comments about how we’re going to be friends, etc.

I’ve learned never to compliment a hot woman on her looks, period. I still mess up and forget, and I’m always reminded why I don’t do it. I try to find one thing that she’s insecure about and talk to her about it like ‘a friend’… not overly critical, but not saying, ‘No, you shouldn’t be insecure’… I just keep bringing it up and even make jokes about it.