Monday 23 November 2009

Where To Meet Women

Here’s the deal: If you want to meet more women, you have to go to the places where they go.

If you like athletic women, go to the gym or spend time at the coffee shop or juice bar next to a gym.

If you like spiritual women, take yoga or meditation classes.

If you like large women, hang out at Weight Watchers.

adult friendfinder registration

Are you with me here?

The point is that you have to put yourself in a ‘high probability’ situation to meet women.

A sure place to find single women is bars and nightclubs. But this is also a sure place to find a lot of horny guys that are trying to pick up these women.

I’ll talk later about how to be successful in different situations, but for now I’d like you to think about where women that you’d like to meet hang out. And then start going there yourself.

A great place to meet women is ONLINE. If you need practice talking to women, invest in an AOL membership. For $23.90 a month, you can chat with women 24/7. I look at AOL as a ‘woman simulator’. You get on, start talking, and on the other end a woman simulator is there to respond to all of your conversation. It’s amazing. And the added bonus is that if a woman turns out to be interesting, you can actually meet her.

My point is simply to put on your thinking cap and ask yourself the question: “If I were the kind of woman who I’d like to meet, where would I hang out?”

Then start going to these places on different days and at different times to find when the best opportunities are.

I have a good friend that used to go to airports when flights were arriving from different places, because some of the flights were more likely to have attractive women on them.

I know one guy that loves to go to bookstores to meet women.

I know a guy that likes to go to ‘Asian Dances’ to meet women (and he’s not Asian).

Here are a few good general places: Dance lessons, gyms, bookstores, coffee shops, supermarkets, healthy food restaurants, yogurt shops, and anything near salons and beauty supply stores.

If you start paying attention, you’ll find places where women are more likely to be.

As a side note, if you live in an out-of-the-way place, and you’d like to start meeting a lot of fantastically beautiful women, you might consider a move to a big city. I’ve found the difference between big cities like New York, Chicago, L.A., etc., and small towns is dramatic. Attractive women flock to the large cities because this is where the opportunity is for them. This is also where they’re more likely to meet a rich, famous, or successful man.

I’ve been to places in big cities that had more beautiful women in one restaurant than a person living in a small town might see all year.

So think about where you live and how it relates to meeting the kind of woman or women that you’re interested in finding.

I’ve also found that many women love the fantasy of ‘accidentally’ meeting a man somewhere normal, but unexpected. This is a common female fantasy.

Women like the idea of accidental romance.

And the best part of meeting a woman in a ‘normal’ place is the fact that there are usually minimal distractions and no one else competing for her attention.

So keep this in mind when you’re out looking for potential mates.