Tuesday 1 December 2009

Meeting Women Online

America Online is the greatest gift to lazy men who want to meet women that has ever been created.

Think of it!

adult friendfinder registration

An environment where you get to lead with your personality and not your looks... a place where there is a level playing field... a place where you can think about what you want to say before saying it... a place where you can actually practice everything in slow motion!


Step 1: Get an AOL account.

Step 2: Go to www.amihotornot.com and start placing different pictures online to see which one gets the highest ratings. Take the one or ones that get the best ratings and use them online (I personally tried several pictures. The worst picture got me an overall rating of 3; the best got me an overall rating of over 8. Think about that! Same guy, but just a different picture! And the one that women liked the best wasn’t the one that I would have guessed. Go figure.

Step 3: Set up a free photo-personal on AOL, plus check out other online personal sites. (Make sure you test pictures to get a good one!)

Step 4: Learn how to search the member directory on AOL and start some conversations.

Step 5: Go to some chat rooms and just WATCH the conversations to learn how to communicate online.

Step 6: Learn to type fast. Big advantage online.

Step 7: Use the communication skills that I’m teaching you to make women laugh online. Humour is key.

Step 8: Get a woman on the phone as soon as you possibly can. Don’t become just another online pal. The longer you wait, the lower your chances will be to meet


Step 9: Get MORE THAN ONE picture! And ask if they still look like the pictures that they sent. I have horror stories that you don’t even want to hear. Take my advice and ASK FOR DETAILS!

Step 10: Some women are very nervous about meeting people from the Internet. Some aren’t.  I like to make jokes about it and turn it around. I say things like, “Well, you seem really nice. I’d invite you to call me, but I’m afraid that you might be one of these weirdoes... or some guy pretending to be a woman...” Ha ha ha! Get out there and practice this stuff. Learning the online world takes awhile, but it’s worth it if you like to meet women anytime you feel like it.