Saturday 17 March 2012

The Not So Blatant Signs of A Cheater

I know there are a lot of readers that come on to this site expecting the same adult dating relationship advice that every other female site has about adultery. Now let me tell you something, men are not as dumb as you think they may be. If they are having sex with another woman, they have successfully learned to avoid lipstick on their collars, credit card charges on their online billing accounts and they have learned to hide their saucy text messages from their mistresses.

Like every relationship, it is the little things that count the most. The little details can make and break your relationship and if you pay attention to certain details, you’ll be able to see the red flags that your partner may be cheating on you.

* He comes home smelling like soap and shampoo you don’t own.

*He seems far more spacey than usual. Like he is constantly daydreaming about something else.

* He takes his phone with him everywhere…even the bathroom.

* He has less money, yet is worker longer hours.

* He is a little too concerned with looks and buys new toiletries.

* He seems unfocused.

* He is too tired for sex.

* All of a sudden, he has a new interest in different types of music, movies and television shows.

* He always goes to bed after you go to sleep.

* He buys new socks and underwear.

* Your conversations are never about anything significant.

If you have checked off a good number of things on this list and suspect your significant other is cheating on you, then you have to go with your gut instinct. You can either bottle up your feelings or take the direct approach and ask him point blank. Sure, he could lie straight to face, however you will know if he is lying or not right away. It’s your decision whether you want to live with the lies or move on. It’s really your call.