Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Best Fake Romantic Movie Trailers Onscreen

If you have been reading my adult dating blog for a while now, you know that I am a huge movie buff and the latest trend that I can’t get enough of is the fake trailer phenomenon. Sure, Grindhouse has exploited the fake trailers with gratuitous shots of sex and gore, however I get a kick out of seeing romantic comedies promote the same fake trailers onscreen. It’s so utterly random and most times these fake romantic comedy/dramas are making fun of the genre in hilarious ways with random cameo appearances for no reason. Here is a list of my favorite non Grindhouse fake trailers:

5. Dog’s Best Friend- FUNNY PEOPLE

In Judd Apatow’s third full length feature film, Adam Sandler basically plays a very similar version of himself as his character is also a huge A-list actor who sells out on an annual basis. In the Dog’s Best Friend fake “bromance” trailer, Adam is hugging his dying dog and basically making fun of movies like Turner and Hooch and Man’s Best Friend. Funny, the fake trailer looked a billion times better than Adam’s real trailer for Jack and Jill.

4. Jason Segel and Rashida Jones Romantic Comedy-FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS

In the recent Friends With Benefits film, Jason Segel and Rashida Jones star in a fake movie within a movie about finding love in New York City–when it’s blatantly obvious the fake film was shot in L.A. I found this to be funny simply because the fake trailer exemplifies the weaknesses and flaws in Friends With Benefits as well.

3. Deception- THE HOLIDAY

Remember the days when Lindsay Lohan was still relevant? In 2o06, Lindsay Lohan and James Franco filmed a fake trailer for the film, The Holiday where Franco played a spy trying to save Lindsay Lohan’s life. Too bad the movie was as memorable as Lohan’s career.

2. Satan’s Alley-TROPIC THUNDER

I loved Tropic Thunder and the best part in the movie in my humble opinion was the Satan’s Alley fake trailer where Robert Downey Jr. and Tobey Maguire play two homosexual monks. I have no idea what I like the most: Engima’s Sadeness playing in the background or the MTV Best Kiss Winner label for Tobey Maguire

1. Teresa: The Making Of A Saint-How To Lose Friends And Alienate People

If you haven’t seen How To Lose Friends And Alienate People, you should do so immediately because it’s one of the most inappropriately hilarious films I have ever seen. Megan Fox plays Sophie Maes, a cokehead version of herself in this absurd comedy. In the film, a fake trailer for the film Teresa: The Making of a Saint plays in the background. The fact that they made a fake trailer of Megan Fox playing a young Mother Teresa is so wrong on so many levels–despite the fact I can’t stop laughing when I see it.