Recently, the TV show Glee has been poking fun at the Emma, the wide-eyed guidance counsellor on the show who has severe OCD. Although many viewers cannot understand how she could avoid having sex with John Stamos, there are in fact a number of people in this world who are too afraid to have xxx action with their partners because of their obsessive -compulsive disorders and nature. Having a healthy adult dating love and sex life may seem like a hopeless dream to achieve for individuals that have trouble becoming sexually aroused and are disgusted by even the thought of bodily secretions and fluids and it’s affecting many people’s sex lives every day.
However, there are solutions to beating this disorder and to enjoy sex the way you should. By following these tips and helpful guidelines, you will see OCD doesn’t have to be eternal cockblock to your sex life anymore.
Medicate Your Symptoms: If you have spent your whole life sabotaging your sex life, it is time to admit you need help. In order to resurrect your dormant sex life, individuals suffering from OCD must seek the right treatment for them to lead healthy lives. There are many medications and sex therapy options that will help your symptoms in great and useful ways.
Tell Your Family Doctor or Therapist: Don’t let your pride get the best of you when you are experiencing sex-related difficulties complicated by your obsessive-compulsion disorder. Tell your family doctor and therapist before seeking out OCD treatments. Your problems may be a lot easier to treat than you may think they are.
Tell Your Partner: Like having any other disease, it’s always good to inform your partner about your disorder and to be honest. If you are a 30 year old virgin because you have been suffering from your disorder, then you need to tell them that. Don’t lead them on if this is going to be a strenuous process for you. Being vocal and honest prevents misunderstandings, low self-esteem issues and you will always see the person’s true colors. The basis for any healthy relationship is good communication and by doing so, you be that much closer to having the courage to pursue a great sexual connection with your partner.