Friday 13 April 2012

Signs Your Co-Worker Is Into You

As we all know, office romances and flirting are common and majority of us have experienced mixing business with pleasure in our adult dating and career lives. If you want to know if a co-worker of the opposite sex is into you, here are some tell-tale signs:

1. They Always Have Their Eyes On You

Do you ever feel like somebody is consistently watching your computer monitor? Is it the same someone who always makes an excuse to come over to your desk and talk to you? If they seem like they are always listening to your conversations with others and if they look away when you actually pay attention to the, they definitely have a crush on you.

2. “Coincidental Run-ins”

When you go get coffee or even go the washroom, don’t be surprised to see the co-worker who likes you to go get coffee and take a bathroom break as well. These run-ins are not concidental, but merely they are excuses to talk to you privately if even for a couple of minutes.

3. No Eye Contact And Avoids You

The more intense this person’s feelings are for you, the more likely they will avoid you. They refuse to give you sufficient eye contact and will probably squirm when talking to you in front of other co-workers.

4. They Talk Incredibly Loud

No matter if your co-worker is a serene and quiet person, the second you come into the room, they will feel inclined to have you notice their witty personality and sense of humor. Everything they say is projected (even without their acknowledgement) and they are waiting for you to respond.

5. Always Go Out Of Their Way To Help You

If a co-worker likes you, they may feel seem extremely kind and try to help you on certain projects. It is not because they are doing this from the kindness of their hearts, but rather they want you to take notice of them.

6. They Take The Same Breaks You Do

They will go out of their way to take the same lunch break as you do. Sometimes they will message you when it’s time to go out on break. If you feel the need to apologize because you can’t go, then you should know how they feel about you.

7. Very Inquisitive About Your Love Life

If you are single, your co-worker may ask what you are doing on upcoming weekends, so you can hang out with them and their friends in a “nonchalant” way. However, if you are in a relationship, don’t be surprised to see them probe for snags in your relationship.

8. They Make Fun of You

Just like grade school, when somebody at work likes you, they tend to make fun of you more than compliment you. Sure, they may not pull your hair, but they will probably insult you every chance they get.

9. They Look Great

If you notice that your co-worker is wearing nice clothes and putting on their cologne before going to work, it’s most likely a tactic to get noticed.

10. None Stop Laughing and Smiling

Have you noticed that everytime you say something (even if it’s not particularly funny) your co-worker laughs and smiles? This is the most obvious sign they like you. Plain and simple.