Saturday 14 April 2012

Six Cohabiting Passion Killers

Once you reached the stage to moving in together in your adult dating life, things at first seems like a dream come true. You find yourself playing house and having sex on an hourly basis. Unfortunately, the more time goes by, the more comfortable you will be around one another which means you will allow each other to see how hygenically-deficient you really are. It doesn’t matter how safe you are, if you live together you will never be able to hide the fact that you are in fact human and a dirty one at that. Here are just a handful of passion and mood killers in relationships and how you can solve them.

Toe Nail Clippings

You ever found yourself sitting on the couch and are covered in various shaped toe nail clippings? Some are rolled up, some are covered in chipped nail polish and some are simply shaped like mini boomerangs scattered around you. Finding these toe clippings can kill your libido and your last nerve. All you need to do is make sure to clip your toe nails in the bathroom and discard your toe clippings in the waste basket and toilet. It’s really as simple as that.


The first fart in the relationship is always a funny and memorable one. All of sudden, you two are cracking up and in some way it’s a bonding experience for the both of you. Unfortunately, the more frequent the farts get, the more likely it is you will not be turned on to your partner like you used to. Letting out a fart when you’re laughing so hard is funny. Letting out a wet fart in bed when you’re lying naked beside your partner or letting one go in the middle of receiving oral sex is unacceptable. If your bodily functions are frequent, take some BEANO and make sure not to eat junk food or dairy before you go to bed.

Cum Rags

We all know sex can be messy, but one thing it shouldn’t be is disgusting. When you first get together, you always made sure to equip yourself with a box of Kleenex by the bedside and it would be quickly disposed of. Once you’ve been together for a long time, you will notice piles of dirty clothes with hard white stains on them. This is unacceptable. Treat your rags like you would your used condoms. Get rid of them as soon as you can!

Skid Marks

Guys are most notorious for leaving horrifying skid marks on their underwear and most times their girlfriends are the ones who discover it. Nothing turns off a woman more than a guy who can’t seem to wipe his own ass properly. Make sure to buy 2 ply toilet paper and to do your own laundry for now on if you have this problem.

Menstrual Blood

There is nothing more disgusting to a man than looking at menstrual blood….especially when it’s all over the toilet seat and bathroom floor. Not only is it a turn off, it also is a frightening sight as well. Women need to be far more ‘aware’ of their surroundings when applying or inserting pads or tampons to avoid embarrassment.

“Number 2″

Remember the times when it seemed like neither of you ever went to the bathroom? Well when you live with one another, you will unfortunately get to notice how often both you go to the bathroom for “number two.” It could be quite appalling when you manage to stink up the entire apartment or house and it can be equally appalling when hearing the grunts and groans come from the bathroom. Make sure to turn on the tap, invest in air fresheners and to always turn on the fan after you are done.