Monday 4 January 2010

On Predictability

Don’t be predictable. Do the unexpected when they LEAST expect it.

But don’t overdo it by acting extreme too often. If you do the unexpected too much, it will come off as unstable, etc.

People in general, including women, are attracted to the novel... the unusual... the different.

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Predictability is the enemy of interesting.

If you always act predictable, then by DEFINITION you’re not interesting.

So keep doing things that are interesting and unexpected.

If she wants a kiss, say, “No.” But kiss her later when YOU feel like it. If she sits on your lap, push her off. But give her a hug later when YOU feel like it.

The Dark Side: Don’t do things that are too far out in order to be unpredictable. I said be unpredictable, not UNSTABLE. Don’t get too wild, or you’ll come across as being loopy.

Another facet of this mindset: Don’t be too friendly too early.

This includes touching and smiling. If you do either too much, you’ll mess it up for yourself.

If you act too interested too early, you’ll come across as needy. By leaning back and keeping a calm, indifferent attitude you’ll be more interesting.

I like to take this idea to its extreme by teasing and making a woman beg me for things that she wants and commit to things during times when it’s unfair (in a fun way, of course).

For instance, if she wants a kiss, tell her that you’ll only give her one if she rubs your back, etc. Use your imagination here. The idea is to do things that are unexpected and different.

To summarize, if you become too predictable, you will become uninteresting to a woman. We humans are naturally drawn to things that we cannot completely

figure out. So keep some things a mystery. Do some things that don’t make sense. Don’t be predictable.