Tuesday 21 February 2012

Can You Orgasm From Junk Food?

When it comes to finding new adult dating topics, I am able to scour the net for generally common sex woes and issues. However, sometimes I find something so odd that I have to comment on for no other reason than the fact it is weird and absurd.

The UK daily star recently ran a story on a 500 pound Colorado woman who is continuing to gain weight because eating junk food literally gives her orgasm. (What a scary f*cking thought.)

Gabi Jones, 25, who supposedly has a rare condition called persistent genital arousal disorder binge eats on fatty food like chocolate and ice cream until she pops, and by pops I mean climax. (Again, another scary f*cking thought.)

When asked about how she first experienced her first junk food orgasm, this is what she had to say: “I loved the velvety texture of ice cream on my tongue. Then one day as I was tucking in I felt a tingle starting down below.”
“The pressure kept building until suddenly it swept through my body. I felt light-headed and flushed.”

It gets worse:

“My friends thought I was making it up. But from then on, every time I tucked into rich, creamy desserts the trembling and tingling began.”
“I went out and bought an ice-cream maker and soon I had knee-trembling orgasms whenever I wanted.”

Better yet, this “classy” lady has her own website called ‘gaininggabi’ and attracts thousands of aff members who pay money to watch her stuff her face with twinkies while orgasming at the same time.

Gabi, if you are reading this right now, I hope you know you are a fat f*cking pig. You are so disgusting that reading that article about you in the paper made me want to vomit.

It’s safe to say junk food should not make you orgasm and if you do, you should go on a diet and seek out a highly trained psychiatrist.