Wednesday 29 February 2012

Does Female Sexuality Make Men Want to go to war?

There’s a weird study out of China on the male drive to do the

Basically, they took a bunch of men and women and showed them pictures and asked them questions. They showed some of the men photos of attractive women, and some of the men photos of unattractive women, and then they had them answer questions about war. The men who had viewed photos of attractive women answered more militantly than those who hadn’t. The women in the study answered questions about war more peacefully overall than either group of the men.

In a related study, they split a group of men in two and showed half of them photos of women’s legs and half photos of national flags. They then had them do word association with words about war or farms. The men who had seen the legs responded to the war words way faster

So, the researchers decided this study obviously proved that some men are motivated to go to war by sex. (War – just like adult dating!) I’m not so sure, although I see there seems to be some correlation. What I see out of this study is not so much that men would be motivated to go to war by this, but that when confronted with a sexual conquest, they look at it just that way – a conquest. It’s a competition, a battle with other men for the prize; maybe some men do translate this into a desire to go to real war, but I don’t think this study necessarily proves it. It simply raises some interesting questions about how societies frame sexual competition and