Tuesday 13 March 2012

20 Facebook Profile Turn Offs

Facebook unfortunately plays such a big role in everybody’s adult dating lives these days. However, the fairer sex are more cutthroat when it comes to bad Facebook etiquette especially when it comes to inappropriate Facebook profile pictures. It’s okay when you are tagged, because you have no control of what is posted, but if you deliberately post an inappropriate picture as your profile photo, you are sending a clear message to the ladies who are interested in you. If you’re a guy and are currently guilty of posting profile photos that are described in the following list, take them off immediately if you ever want to get laid again.

1. Doing Shots

2. A Picture of You Passed Out in a Drunken Stupor.

3. Wearing a Bandanna. (2001 called, they want their look back.)

4. Wearing a T-shirt with the word “f*ck” on it.

5. Sporting massive sunburn. (Oompa Loompas aren’t hot.)

6. Standing in between two overly-tanned Go-Go girls at a club.

7. Wearing a fake mustache. (*If not for a party or an acting role.)

8. Fist pumping.

9. Holding a cigarette and a red plastic cup.

10. Flipping the Bird.

11. Picture of you chugging with a beer bong.

12. Wearing a Halloween costume months after October.

13. Posing at a Drake concert.

14. Not wearing a shirt. (No girl wants to date “The Situation.”)

15. Doing the international signal for “eating out” with your tongue and fingers.

16. Wearing a black shirt with a white crusty substance on it.

17. Wiping white crusty substance from your nose.

18. Wearing sunglasses at night or indoors. (You affected hipster, you!)

19. Using Breaking Bad stills as your picture.

20. Wearing guyliner.