Wednesday 28 March 2012

3 Ways To Stare At A Woman You Like

When you’re not dating and you are looking for a casual date, you’re always on the hunt. When you see a beautiful lady, your first instinct is to stop and look, right? Its awkward to look at a girl for too long and you don’t want to get caught staring. You also don’t want to offend her.

The truth is, a lot of women can’t stand being stared at. In fact, a lot of the times, the guys who stare at them are automatically unattractive to them.

There are, however, a few “cool” ways to look at a lady:

Woman are turned on by vampires: There is a very vulnerable and sensual part of your body, and that part is your neck. A woman’s neck is also a very sexual area of her body, even more than her vagina or clitoris. If you stare at her neck, she will start thinking about it. Then she will start feeling your eyes on her body. This starts the same emotional signals to her brain that get sent when she gets kissed on her neck.

Make eye contact: Eye contact is crucial because it builds trust. It releases the chemical oxytocin and this is the same chemical released when you are cuddling in bed after sex. However, too much eye contact can be intimidating. So this is what you need to do: Take your eyes, and lightly dart down to her lips, then look at different parts of her face. A strong look on a certain body part releases the same emotions and chemicals as a light kiss does.

How to make awkward pauses sexy: Looking deep into her eyes when there are a few seconds without any talking can build a huge amount of romance and sexual tension. Most of the time men try to fix an awkward pause with a joke or something to diffuse the tension, but this will never come across as attractive to women.

if you follow all of these tips then you will be sure to turn your awkward staring into something sexy and enticing.