Tuesday 13 March 2012

Here We Go Again: Top 20 Deal Breakers

In your adult dating life, you will encounter many times in your relationships where you reach a breaking point with your partner. If you’re a single adult woman wanting to get married and start a family, the average time from being single to being a motherhood is approximately five to seven years. Men however, are likely not to be in such a rush to get married. Many opt to put their friends and work ahead of the women in their lives to fight off the dreaded “co-dependence syndrome.”

When you have been involved with a man for a long time, it’s important to realize that most likely it will be the little things that will break you up. Sometimes however, these little things aren’t so little and should be considered to be honest to god relationship deal breakers. Deal breakers vary for every woman, although there are always certain qualities, bad habits and personality attributes that every gal knows she can’t live with for the rest of her life.

Here are some common reasons why women decide to end the relationship:

1. He is always busy on weekend nights doing God knows what with his friends.

2. You are total opposites. Opposite may attract, but they get bored of each other pretty quickly.

3. Family is always getting in the way of your relationship. If your partner has constant family drama, it will not get easier if you marry into it.

4. Religious differences are putting a strain on your relationship. If you can’t even fathom the thought of converting to be with your partner, how can you expect to ever get married?

5. If you have different political views, this could be fairly detrimental to your relationship. Watch The Way We Were for example.

6. He works all the time and you never get to see him. Everybody in a healthy relationship should be able to balance work and their love lives equally.

7. He is a slave to his bad habits. If he smokes, drinks and smoke pot regularly in front of you, that will definitely put a strain on your relationship.

8. If he has a history of abusing hardcore drugs and is in recovery, it could make you constantly worried that he will relapse after a bad fight.

9. If he is a hardcore loner and ditches his friends and family to constantly hang out with his woman, it could definitely make his girlfriend feel trapped.

10. Jealousy and insecurity is definitely a red flag. If he doesn’t trust you around other men and you’re constantly explaining to him where you are, get out now!

11. If none of your friends, family and co-worker like him because he is rude, this will be something you will resent him for later in your relationship.

12. A biggest turn off to a woman in a relationship is if her partner has horrible hygiene. A woman can only take bad breath, body odor and stinky feet for so long.

13. If he never dresses up and never wants to take care of himself for you, then that will eliminate the spark that once brought you two together.

14. Despite the fact that women may deny the following fact until they are blue in the face, no woman wants to support her man financially. If he doesn’t have a job and is not rushing to a get a new one, this is grounds for terminating the relationship.

15. If a woman’s man has money and is too cheap to spend any of it, that also is an unattractive personality trait.

16. Differing morals and values are the catalysts to many break ups. If you don’t share the same views on abortion, women’s rights and even homosexuality, do you really want your children adopting your partner’s similar views?

17. We all get lost in life, but if your partner constantly feels like he has no purpose and has no direction in life, then he will bring you down with him.

18. Does he bore you? Do you find your mind wandering when he speaks? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who entertains you as much as your grandmother does?

19. Do you find him physically unattractive? Are you always excusing his appearance to your friends? If the very thought of him being on top of you makes you want to puke, then it’s time to cut the cord on the relationship.

20. If he is a major hothead and you can’t have a conversation without him getting angry about something, then again, cut the cord.

Remember, some women can tolerate the things on this list and others can’t. It’s good to know what your deal breakers are and if your gut tells you that you are dating the wrong guy, then get out now! No matter how trapped you feel, there is always an EXIT door…always. It is never too early to break up with Mr. Wrong.