Friday 23 March 2012

How To Give Her Mind Numbing Orgasms

One will never know when I woman is being sincere when she has an orgasm because so many woman are admitting to faking them! So the question in every mans mind is; how can I know for certain that she’s not faking it?

Let’s first start with a few facts about women:

  • 70% of women have never had an orgasm with a man.

  • 25% of men will get turned down by their own lovers over half the times. These men have women who think sex is a chore.

  • Nearly 50% of men have partners that will never ask for sex.

  • 92% of women will fake orgasm just to get it over with. Therefore, what most men are doing simply isn’t working.

If you are one of these men who find it difficult to give their dating partner an orgasm, then you need to resort to giving her a clitoral orgasm. This is also known as a G spot orgasm and you’re first off going to have to know where it is in order to simulate it.

It’s crazy how many women have never had an orgasm. Then there are the lucky ones who only enjoy an orgasm once every few years. Just imagine yourself only having an orgasm a few times a year! That would be the end of the world.

If you really want an in depth look at how to give your woman reoccurring orgasms, then you should definitely take a look at a book called the Female Orgasm Black Book. It has everything that you need to know from A to Z when it comes to giving orgasms. For example:

  • Why being a great pick up artist doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be a stud in bed.

  • How to tell if she is faking it and how to tell if it’s real.

  • A simple short cut on how to know exactly how she wants to be touched.

  • How to create a setting in your home that will make her want to have sex.

  • The best positions that will give her an orgasm.

  • The most common female orgasm problems and how to fix it.

So, once you get this book and you read it and do everything it tells you too, be prepared to have a lot of sex. You’re partner will not want to go back to having sex once every 3 to 6 months. She is going to want you to work her magic on you every chance you can and carry out her adult fantasy!