Saturday 3 March 2012

How To Properly Call Dibs On A Guy

In your adult dating life, there are times when you see an incredibly hot guy with all your girlfriends. As immature as it may be, sometimes calling “dibs” is crucial to your own happiness in regards to your love and sex life.

So why do we call dibs on a potential love interest like we would a front seat of a car? It’s because we know who are we attracted to right away and we especially know when our girlfriends are equally as attracted to the same person to. By staking our claim into a new fella before your friends can, you are doing the best to deflect drama. However, there are some rules you need to learn about calling dibs, because in order for the act to be accepted, there is a certain etiquette you must follow to get what and who you want.

Don’t Call Dibs On Looks Alone

If you see a hot guy across the bar, the best thing to do is to haul ass and approach him before you call dibs on him. You shouldn’t base your attraction on looks alone. You might find out he’s dumber than a doornail. Get to know your crush before staking your claim in him.

Don’t Be A “Dibs” Whore

It’s okay to call dibs from time to time, but don’t overdo it or you run the risk of losing friends and starting fights. Be selective with your choices and only call dibs on someone you truly believe you share a magnetic connection with.

Avoid A Dibs World War

If both of you and friend call dibs on the same guy at the same time, just bow down and let her have this one. No stranger is worth breaking up your friendship over.

Don’t Get Jaded If He Likes Your Friend More

So you called dibs and approached the guy, but he’s more interested in your friend. Be a good sport and don’t stand in the way of your friend’s happiness. Who knows? It might make for a terrific opening for your speech if they get married.