Saturday 31 March 2012

Male PMS Syndrome

The fairer sex may be known for monthly mood swings, however that doesn’t mean men can’t have their own temper tantrums from time to time. Even the most well-adjusted adult can be moody for stupid reasons and men can be cranky for the stupidest reasons.

Here are a few reasons for male crankiness.

Their Sport Team Loses

For some reason, men take the loss of their favorite sports team as a personal loss. Sometimes, it actually is if they bet money on their losing team. At least most don’t feel the need to riot like Vancouver men did recently.

They Haven’t Masturbated In A Whole Three Days

Every guy needs to masturbate. It’s a fact. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a relationship or not. If they don’t jack off on a regular basis, they turn into jackasses. Never deny a man of his alone time!

Bad Work Day

Unlike women, men have a harder time not bringing their horrible work frustrations home with them. Sometimes, after a bad day at work, they might take it out on their significant others, just because they’re there.

Not Enough ALONE Time

Women may feel inclined to be around their boyfriends or husbands 24/7, however men need time to decompress. They like to have a beer in peace. They like to read the paper without their women nagging them about taking out the garbage. They like to go out for a coffee without being BBM’d every two seconds. Taking away a man’s privacy is sure-fire way of making him extra moody.

They’re Lost

Men do not like asking for directions EVER. They like to think they don’t need simple things like GPS or maps to get to a location they have never been to. They especially don’t like it when their significant others point out that they are indeed lost. It’s a stupid thing to get mad over, but it will never change.