Sunday 1 April 2012

Homemade Emergency Contraceptives That Work!

So you’re about to have some remarkable sex and then you discover that you have forgotten your condoms on your nightstand. The pharmacy is closed. The only open convenience store is a 20 minute drive away. What do you do? Most people would avoid having unprotected xxx action and suffer blue ball/clit hell, but there are a couple of safe ways to have sex and the birth control contraceptives can be made out of things you can find in your house!


One of the most popular homemade spermicide recipes involves aloe vera gel and lemon juice. To make homemade spermicide, combine 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel with 3 drops of lemon juice. You can keep this mixture refrigerated for up to 72 hours.


In the sixties, Americans used Coca-Cola as a post-coital sex spermicide many women in third world countries still use Coke as an post-sex douche today. Just remember to not confuse the cups you douche and drink with and you should be fine.


Vitamin C causes the uterus to become volatile to any fertilized egg and the vitamin reduces the chances of pregancy. Just like the birth control pill, Vitamin C will also cause the womb to shed its’ lining. To use this as a contraceptive, take 1000 mg of Vitamin C, twice daily for 3 days after unprotected sex.

Now, these are not a 100% effective methods of birth control. It is up to you to decide what you are willing to put on the line. If all fails, abstain or pull out. That’s my motto.