Tuesday 3 April 2012

How To Disguise Your Walk Of Shame

After a great night of sex with a stranger, boyfriend or casual lover comes the much hated walk of shame. When it comes to our adult dating lives, walks of shames for women happen for more often than you would think. You don’t have to be a college student in a dormitory anymore to experience these embarrassing if not revealing walks.

However, there are ways to disguise your post-coital stroll home and here are a few simple ways on how to do so:

Big Purse

I know the clutches are pretty ladies, but they are not practical especially if you sense a late night hook up in the near future. You will need a bigger sized purse to have the following products on handy.

Eye Make-Up Remover

Saliva and toilet paper can only take off so much eyeliner, so be equipped with a reliable and gentle eye make-up remover to quickly get rid of raccoon/crackhead eyes.

Dentaburst Strips!

I know these toothbrush substitutes look like pantyliners for your fingers, however they do work wonders especially when your breath smells of morning funk, alcohol and stale cigarettes.

Dr. Scholl’s Flats For Her

If you don’t feel like walking around in your sequin-covered stilettos for your embarrassing walk home, rely on this compact black rubber flats to get you through. It also doesn’t hurt that they look fashionable as well.

Compact Hair Brush

You will need to tame your “I just got banged” disheveled hair and compact hair brushes are perfect when you are on the go. Purchase the ones with a compact mirror for last minute check ups as well.

Hipster Scarf

Typically, no one wants to walk around 8am in the morning wearing a plunging halter top from the night before. That is why having a big flowing scarf is essential to help you disguise your elaborate evening outfit from the night before.


You most likely will be suffering a mild to a serious hangover the day after which is why you should always have a pair of shades on handy to prepare you for the sunny morning and to help hide your puffy eyes.