Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Top Sex Bummers

Every couple, whether it be a casual sex partner or a in serious dating relationship, has suffered the ultimate not so sexy adult fantasy which end up turning off the perspective partner in bed. So, the next time you find yourself in an embarrassing situation, take a count of the following points:

Sex with my ex: Imagine screaming someone else’s name when you’re about to orgasm. If this happens, it is likely going to make your partner feel estranged. Though fantasies are an essential part of gratifying sex, expressing fantasies in such an unexpected way can often put an end to your relationship.

Nature’s call: Often confused with a squirting orgasm, it is related to the pressure applied on the bladder due to sexual stimulation. So, never force yourself to climax, if you’re feeling like relieving yourself. Make sure you have attended nature’s call before you gear up for sex.

Oops, I farted: Make sure your digestive system is in the right place before you indulge in a make out session. It is also recommended to consume a digestive pill or opt for a brisk walk after the meal to make the food settle down.

Nailed: Many couples end up scratching each other’s bodies with their sharp nails. It may be an act of pleasure for you, but your partner might not be enjoying the pain as much. Cut and file your nails so that they do not lead to painful scratches on your partner.

Self stimulation: Avoid touching your spots repeatedly, let your partner have the privilege to arouse you but touching your erotic zones.

The silent quotient: How would you feel if your partner remianed silent throughout the whole act of sex? Not a great feeling of course! Your partner loves hearing your moan and scream to know that you’re having a good time.

Napping tapping: It’s often a common occurrence to see your partner falling asleep time and time again while you’re in the mood to fuck. It’s always a good idea to grab a sound sleep after sex and not let it come in the way of seeking pleasure.