Saturday 14 April 2012

How To Know He's Not The One

When you are an adult woman, you start to realize that being attracted to your partner doesn’t just make him “The One.” How can you tell he is Mr. Right now or is the man you will be with for the long haul? Here are some red flags you should consider if you are questioning if your partner is the one for you or not.

He Rather Be Hanging Out With The Guys On His Spare Time

Every healthy relationship should be able to balance their love lives and social lives efficiently. Seeing each other all the time is not healthy, but if your man would rather hang out with his guy friends and drink beers when he has free time, then maybe you have a commitment-phobe on your hands.

He Calls Other People First To Share Good News

If you are the last one to know about your partner’s job promotion or any other note-worthy news in your life, then maybe he doesn’t consider you one of his top priorities.

He Flakes On Important Milestones

If your boyfriend forgot your 17 month anniversary, that’s no big deal. However, if he cancels on seeing you on major annual anniversaries, celebrations or birthdays, then your interests do not come first to him.

You’re Rarely Invited To Social Events With Him

If you see on your Facebook newsfeed that your boyfriend is going to a special event and he has yet to tell you, then this may be a sign that he doesn’t really want you around. It’s fine if you’re not invited to guy’s night out, but if you don’t even rank as his plus one at his friend’s wedding, then he is not taking you seriously.

He Talks About His Ex On Numerous Occasions

Women have tendencies to bring up exes into conversation without even thinking how it can affect their current lovers. Most time women have no clue that their past is biting them in the ass with the verbal diarrhea coming out of their mouths. However, if your boyfriend mentions his ex over and over again, it could mean a lot more than just innocent name dropping. This could be a sign that you are his “filler” girlfriend.

You Don’t Have The Same Views On Life

We all know opposites attract, but over time they do get bored of one another. At the beginning of the relationship, your differences were your biggest strengths. However, in time when you realize you want to travel the world and he wants to stay home and play video games, your relationship may be heading for a dead end. This especially happens if one of you wants to get married and have kids while the other one is perfectly content acting like a big kid.

His Cute Quirks Have Become Extra Annoying

Remember when his cute quirks were things you couldn’t do without? Over time, they may be annoying flaws you want out of your life for good. If every story coming out of your boyfriend’s mouth is causing you to roll your eyes, you really should assess your relationship. It’s quite common to get annoyed with each other from time to time, but you have to understand that you have to love him for who he is because he’s not going to change. If you can’t deal with that, then it may be time to throw in the towel.

He Has Cheated Before

Unfortunately when you get with someone who has admitted they cheated in past relationships, this may lead you to doubt his loyalty to you from time to time. Old habits die hard and if your boyfriend is showing signs of having one foot out of the door, then push his other foot out with him.

Sex Is The Only Thing He Wants

If you have been in a long term relationship, you know that sex dwindles from time to time. However, if your guy is constantly wanting sex from you to ensure your relationship is healthy, then you have an insecure man on your hands.

Look Beyond The Looks

Let’s face it: If your boyfriend wasn’t as hot as he was, would you still want to be with him? If the answer is no, then you should get out of the superficial relationship now.