Monday 16 April 2012

Nirvana Fans Are Slutty

Last week I wrote about an adult study conducted by and that attempted to correlate musical taste with sexual easiness.

Sexual easiness, eh? As in, how likely you are to fuck quickly and without much convincing? Yup, that’s what I mean. So, yes, as I mentioned in my previous post, apparently Coldplay and Lady Gaga fans are the least likely to fuck on the first date, but I forgot to mention who were the most likely! Are you ready for the answer?! Because it will (not) blow your mind:

Nirvana fans.

Nirvana fans like to have lots and lots of easy sex. Hip, hip, xxx hooray!

A psychologist explains: “Cobain lived the rock and roll lifestyle, whereas Martin plays the conscious sweet boy role. They are normalizing very different behaviors.”

Also, does the fact that Martin’s wife is Gwyneth Paltrow and Cobain’s was Courtney Love mean anything?