Tuesday 17 April 2012

Should You Make Your Relationship Facebook Official?

There comes a time in your adult dating relationship when you will have to make a vital decision: Do you change your ‘single’ status on Facebook from to ‘in a relationship’ or do you take it off entirely? Decisions…Decisions.

It seems like such a tedious thing to be putting so much thought into but the truth is there are a lot of potential dating woes that can come with the stress of making your relationship official on Facebook.

First of all, the conversation is awkward as all hell. Asking if you can put your relationship on Facebook will make you sound like the neediest person on the planet. Also, when you oblige their wishes, they automatically think you are cheating. Goddamn Facebook.

Now that you’ve put it out there for all to see, you have to now worry about displaying the proper Facebook girlfriend etiquette. You have to determine how many times is appropriate to post on your partner’s wall and if you’re showing affection towards them online. You have to answer annoying emails from ex boyfriends “congratulating” your new relationship and if you have to limit the amount of friends of the opposite sex you add to your profile. It can be overly exhausting.

And let’s not forget to mention the number one reason you should fear making your relationship official over Facebook: The Facebook Breakup. When you break up and your partner takes you off as their relationship status, everybody gets to see that you broke up and better yet, you have the privilege of seeing all the girls on your now ex’s newsfeed liking and commenting on their new single status. All because you had to announce your relationship over Facebook.

Save yourself the trouble and avoid putting it up. Changing your status from to ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’ shouldn’t declare how much you love someone.