Friday 6 April 2012

The Sexy 'Purple Rain' Drinking Game

Looking to put a little magic in your adult dating life? Why not stay home and watch Purple Rain with your lover? Prince may look like a gay pirate, but that man sure knows how to be a sexy motherf*cker. No woman has p*ssy control around him. So why not dedicate your night to the Purple genius and improve your xxx life by watching one of the most cheesiest yet sexiest movies of the eighties!

One Sip

Take a Drink every time your hear the words ‘Purple Rain’

Take a Drink whenever you hear Prince referred to as “The Kid”

Take a Drink everytime Apollonia says ‘Sex Shooter.’

Take a Drink Whenever Morris Day says the word “What?”

Take a Drink every time Prince is on his motorcycle

 Two Sips

Take two drinks every time you hear Morris Day or Prince scream or squawk like a bird on stage

Take two drinks every time Prince wears purple

Take two drinks every time Prince storms off

Take two drinks every time Prince looks like he’s about to have an orgasm on stage

Take two drinks every time Prince uses his puppet

 Three Sips

Take Three drinks every time Prince hits Apollonia

Take three drinks every time Prince touches Apollonia’s Tits

Take three drinks every time Prince rejects Wendy and Lisa’s music

Take three drinks every time Prince cries

Take Three Drinks every time you see Prince in Lake Minnetonka