Sunday 25 March 2012

7 Dating Mistakes Women Make Daily

In order to attract the opposite sex, women go to certain lengths to impress a guy they want to start dating. However, there are certain fashion, beauty and conversation faux pas women consistently make and they do not go unnoticed by men either. If you’re wondering why your adult dating life is going the way you want, then maybe you should check the following list to see if you are committing any of these cardinal sins:

1. The Baby Voice

Why oh why do women find it sexy to put on a baby voice? Unless you have a reality show to secure, there is no need for any women to put on this voice for any man. When men hear this, we think you have severe daddy issues. Plain and simple.

2. Hair Extensions

There is nothing more unattractive than trying to kiss a girl for the first time and pulling out a track of hair extensions when trying to stroke her hair. Hair extensions are fine once in a while, but never wear them if you’re trying to attract a new guy. Your plan will fail miserably if you do.

3. Spray Tans

I want to know why women think men care about henna dyed skin on women. I think other women are the ones that comment on how hot they look. No man wants to date an oompa loompa. It literally frightens men when you change into a human mood ring that reeks for 24 hours.

4. Acting Like A Hilton

Contrary to popular belief, men actually like to DATE smart women. So stop twirling your hair and asking the waiter how they were able to get strands of hair from heaven when you order the angelhair pasta dish. Men want to bang dumb girls like that. They don’t want to date them.

5. Your Not So Skinny Jeans

Let’s face it: Skinny jeans are not for everyone. You can be a perfectly healthy girl with a great body, but sometimes those jeans make your butt crack show too much. Men don’t want to date women that look like they belong in a trailer park.

6. Draw in Eye Brows

Eyebrows are a very important feature on a woman’s face. It’s perfectly normal to over pluck one day, but when you’re filling out your eyebrows with what looks like Black Sharpie ink, it will totally repulse the man you are seeking to date.

7. Tarantula Lashes

God damn Drew Barrymore and those stupid Covergirl ads. She has deluded women everywhere that they can have perfect eye lashes without applying very expensive fake eye lashes on first. Please know that you only need a couple coats of mascara, ladies. Anything more and you’ll look like a spider is growing legs out of your eyelids.