Thursday 29 March 2012

Avoid having sex with "Aunt Flo"

Have you ever wanted to have some xxx fun with your partner but “Aunt Flo” has come to town? Aunt Flo is a messy bitch who doesn’t seem to care if it’s your anniversary, vacation or booty call session you have been looking forward to. In case some of you have been living in a cave for most of your adult lives, “Aunt Flo” is an euphemism for a woman’s period and she always seems to pop up at all the wrong times.

Now there are some courageous people who have no problem penetrating a hemophiliac vagina, but if you are like me, you try your hardest to avoid being a statistic of enduring “red wings” and “crime scene sex situations. However, there are ways to avoid the bloody mess “Aunt Flo” brings while having sex and I will give you some tips and methods on how to beat her at her cockblocking game.

1. Sea Sponge Tampons

There is nothing less sexy than seeing a string coming out of the place you want to invade, and with the help of sea sponge tampons, you can have your woman insert this tampon inside her without the fear of seeing the string and the bloody mess afterwards. There’s also bonus points for not feeling it during sex. It’s also reusable, but I wouldn’t recommend doing that because even the thought of reusing a sea sponge tampon disgusts me and will probably disgust your partner if you chose to do so.

2. Soft Cup

The Soft Cup is a remarkable feminine product that was strictly created for non-messy period sex. Sure, women could use it as a substitute for pads and tampons, however I don’t see many women wanting to stick a plastic cup inside of their vaginas every few hours on their menstrual cycle. (Who’s got time for that?) Just make sure to have gentle sex with this method, because hard pounding may cause the cup to spill and you don’t want that to happen. You really, really don’t.

3. Diaphragm

Just like sea sponge tampons and soft cups, diaphragms can also collect menstrual flow while leaving room for penetration. It’s also a great form of birth control! You kill two birds with one stone with this one.

4. Shower Sex

Shower sex is usually the easiest way of dealing with non-messy period sex. By wearing a condom also, you will avoid any of the mess and will be clean afterwards too. Just don’t look down while you’re going at it. You will quickly feel like Janet Leigh in Psycho if you do so.