Tuesday 20 March 2012

Is This a Date?

I’ve had plenty of women tell me that one of the trickiest things about meeting men in places other than on

One such annoying scenario, a close female friend recently informed me, is when you meet a man through work or play or whatever and he asks you out for drinks or to a show, but in such a casual way that you aren’t sure if this is an xxx date or a friends date or a let’s-just-see-what-happens date.

Now, I don’t want to overgeneralive, but most of the time I’d say that if I guy has asked you out to a 1-on-1 scenario, he’s probably hoping to get some adult play time in afterwards. Here’s a few ways you can be sure it’s a date:

1. He pays.

For anything. A drink. A plate of nachos. A ticket. Whatever it may be, if he’s buying then this is a date.

2. He tries to make eye contact.


3. He touches you.

Brushes your arm, grabs your hand, whatever – date.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? If he treats you like you’re special, it’s a date.