Tuesday 20 March 2012

Will Your Relationship Fall Apart?

When you are in an adult relationship, things generally get better or get worse after the honeymoon period. If it gets worse, your relationship is at risk of falling apart. Generally, the four clear indicators of relationship failure are stonewalling, contempt, defensiveness and criticism. If you let these adult dating woes consume your relationship, it is bound to fail. However, there are ways of getting past these problems and repairing them as well and here’s how:

Contempt And Criticism

In a troubled relationship, there is bound to be a lot of contempt for one another. Sighing, rolling eyes and making harsh comments are subtle ways of showing your partner you are annoyed by them and starting not to like them. On the other hand, people deal with this level of contempt with co-workers and family aff members. It’s important to solve this problem like you would with your other loved ones. Focus on what you like and love about the person you are with and the rest you should follow.

Stonewalling And Defensiveness

Stonewalling is a destructive technique that makes couples just tune their partners out in order to win a fight. The only way to repair this problem is by talking and listening. Unfortunately, talking also leads to defensiveness. The only way to repair this problem is to really understand that your partner may say something to you that might upset you or something that you don’t agree with and you have to learn to control your emotions. You have to respect your partner by truly listening to them even when you don’t want to. Sure, you may fight from time to time and that’s not an indicator that your relationship is doomed. Remember, it’s not how often you fight, it’s HOW you fight that will predict your impending failure as a couple.

If you master those basic relationship repair techniques, then your relationship should get better if you are really meant for one another. If not, then don’t take your failed relationship as a personal failure. You tried and gave it your all and sometimes doomed relationships lead to other successes in your life.