Saturday 24 March 2012

What's Not Said

While good communication is key for two people trying to keep a relationship together, it’s not just what’s said between them that can be important to the romance. As people grow together there should be a certain telepathy to one another’s needs, hurts and triumphs that don’t have to be articulated; when one partner can sense the other having the obligatory bad day, when one person has the good sense to leave the other alone.

This unspoken understanding should exist in a couple’s

There are times when dirty talk fuels the bed time, others when silence is golden and still others when one partner lies open and vulnerable to the other, spewing all manner of admissions and promises. Then there are the times when one lay with their lover aching that their lover will read them enough, know the undulant movements and roll and shuck of hip, flush of genitals, hear a moan in such a specific way they will be taken further, their limits pushed, maybe a startling new kink introduced neither partner has discussed.

What makes sex sexy is not what we ask for or cajole our partner to try but that which they conclude on their own, that which comes whole-cloth from their head and loins, that which they have been entertaining that might very well gibe with what we have been wanting. An organic discovery of hopes and dreams, commonalities and sexual compatibility makes an adult dating relationship ever stronger.

Many couples find their explorations through watching porn together, others swing with couples who might introduce some sexual ideas-beyond swinging-to add a little spice into the bedroom, still other partners allow one another some off-time explorations, some moments of play at parties or play-spaces where they can at once keep an eye on one another and simultaneously be aroused at what they see their significant other get up to.

There are just as many people who take admissions of their sexual need as part of their sex play while still others cannot articulate what they need nor do they ever want to, preferring their kinks be found out or introduced by their significant other.

Communication can exist on many levels and take on so many varied forms; the main thing is though that lovers keep communicating.